
MN Christmas 2007 057

I’m an upper-midwestern fellow who has recently entered the “Buick” stage of life given my present ability to secure senior discounts.

Over the last few years, I’ve tried to make sense of how it is that many come to a Calvinistic perspective while others come to an Arminian or Open Theistic view regarding matters of faith. This truly baffles me – especially considering that everyone works from the same “source material” i.e.  the Bible. This has led me to reevaluate my own Christian faith. That which I thought I knew and believed – well – I’m not so sure anymore. 

In no specific order, things that make life more enjoyable include strong coffee, making sawdust in the garage, putzing on a guitar, playing chess, my better “7/8ths” (wife of 43 years), three great kids, rolling around on the floor with grandchildren, charcoal grilling anytime of the year, digging in the garden, a good orthopedic surgeon and an occasional IPA.

I’m delighted you’re here. Please poke around and feel free to drop any comments or questions. My end goal is to seek the truth and I value the insight and input of those willing to engage. 

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